We created a visual narrative for a report by Planet Tracker based on data shared by the Apparel Impact Institute about how investment in simple, inexpensive improvements in textile wet processing can have big positive environmental and financial returns.
Easy (Un) Pickings
Wet processors have the largest environmental impact in the textile, apparel, clothing supply chain, resulting in significant financial risks. Lack of education around potential financial and environmental savings, access to bank loans and lack of regulatory and consumer pressure have hampered the progress of implementing positive changes.
A Simple Solution
Simple, inexpensive improvements to wet processing can have a big financial return and positive environmental impact. Based on data shared by the Apparel Impact Institute, an average investment of $455K in wet processing improvements resulted in:
- Average annual cost savings of about $370K
- Average payback period of 13.8 months
- Average annualized return on investment of 68%
- Internal rate of return of 33% after 2 years
- Average annual energy efficiency saving of 12.6%
This investment also reduced GhG emissions by 10.8% & water consumption by 11.5%.
This is the equivalent of reducing the carbon footprint of the textile production industry by 5% & water consumption by the equivalent to 300k Olympic sized swimming pools full of water!
Call to Action
Improving wet processing is not hard or expensive. There must be more education of management around process change, implementation of energy and water saving equipment and increased investment to help wet processors implement these changes.
Read this and Planet Tracker’s other reports on the Planet Tracker website.